Baton Rouge, LA
Tree Removal Guidelines
According to the Covanants and Restrictions, any tree over 8 inches in diameter slated for removal must first be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. This includes trees that are alive, diseased, or dead. A tree that has fallen to the ground does not need approval for removal. The following Guidelines for Removing Trees may be helpful letting you know what to expect from the committee. Submit request to Tommy Miremont tmiremont@bellsouth.net or Gehl Davis gehl@aol.com)
Guidelines for Removing Trees
In general, a request to remove a tree will be granted if it meets any one of the following criteria:
The tree is located inside of, or within 10 feet from, the footprint of approved construction or existing approved structures.
The tree is dead, in the opinion of the ACC*.
The tree is unhealthy and should be removed, in the opinion of the ACC*.
A portion of the tree poses a high, and likely, potential to damage a structure, in the opinion of the ACC*. The mere fact that a tree is close to, or is over, a structure is not considered to meet this criteria, rather there would need to also be an issue with the orientation of the tree (leaning) and/or the health of the tree (unhealthy branches).
The tree is considered to be crowding other trees, and if removed would result in an overall healthier growth of the trees, in the opinion of the ACC*.
In general, a request to remove a tree will not be granted if it does not meet the criteria above. These requests will be evaluated on an individual basis, using the justification/reason as provided by the lot owner. Some examples of reasons that in general would not be approved are:
A tree is close to a house, but more than 10 feet, and the resident is concerned that if it fell it would hit the house, although the tree is not leaning towards the house, nor has any unhealthy branches.
A tree drops a lot of leaves, or other items, in the yard or swimming pool.
A tree is creating shade that is making it hard for grass to grow in the yard, or is affecting the efficiency of a solar module or thermal collector.
A tree is in the way of a structure that is planned to be built sometimes in the future, but the plans have not been submitted for this structure, or the plans were submitted but not approved.
In general, a request to remove a tree will not be granted without an approved plan to replace the tree, or some portion of the trees removed. The plan should meet the following criteria:
Replace one tree for every tree removed.
Replacement trees to be a Louisiana Class “A: tree (as listed on the EBR or LA DOTD websites), container grown, and 1” diameter or larger.
The replacement of trees should be completed within 9 months of the request being approved.
In general, replacement of trees will not be required for:
Lots that have a much higher than average number of trees, in the opinion of the ACC.
Lots that have had new tree growth that would equal the replacement percentage, per item 3.(a), of those removed or to be removed, if the trees meet the qualifications of item 3.(b), in the opinion of the ACC.
Trees being removed per item 1.(a), in the opinion of the ACC.
Removal of trees that are part of an overall landscaping plan and strategy that should better enhance the property and/or health of remaining trees, in the opinion of the ACC*.
In general, a tree that is removed from the front yard (closer to the street than the front face of the house) must have the tree stump removed down to at least the ground level.
* The opinion of the ACC may be based on personal experience, and if uncertain the ACC may request an opinion from a licensed arborist, that the ACC may select.
Here is a list of Class A trees which would be appropriate for replacements:
Scientific Name Common Name
Acer rubrum Red Maple
Catalpa bignonioides Catalpa
Carya cordiformis Bitternut Hickory
Carya illinoinensis Pecan
Carya ovata Shagbark Hickory
Diospyros virginiana Persimmon
Fagus grandifolia American Beech
Fraxinus americana White Ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash
Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar
Juglans nigra Black Walnut
Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Tree
Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia
Nyssa sylvatica Swamp Tupelo /Black Gum
Pinus Taeda Loblolly Pine
Platanus occidentalis Sycamore
Quercus alba White Oak
Quercus falcata Red Oak
Q. falcata Pogodifolia Cherrybark Oak
Quercus lyrata Overcup Oak
Quercus michauxii Cow Oak
Quercus nuttallii NutallOak
Quercus phellos Willow Oak
Quercus shumardii Shumard Oak
Quercus virginiana Live Oak
Taxodium acendends Pond Cypress
Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress
Tilia spp. Americana/ caroliniana, floridana Linden
Ulmus Americana American Elm
Ulmus alata Winged Elm